My notes from the DevOps Handbook

by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis

I decided to learn it using the method from Save All blog open_in_new. This also lead me to the actual website where I decided to create quizzes for myself. Maybe in the future I will share them here.

  1. The DevOps Handbook
  2. Downward spiral continued
  3. Business value of DevOps
  4. The Universality of the solution
  5. Part I: The Three Ways
  6. DevOps history
  7. Agile, Continuous Delivery and The Three Ways
  8. Focus on deployment lead time
  9. The Three Ways: Principles Underpinning DevOps
  10. The First Way: The Principles of Flow
  11. Eliminate hardships and waste in the value stream
  12. The Second Way: Principles of feedback
  13. Swarm and solve problems to build new knowledge
  14. The Third Way: Continual Learning and Experimentation
  15. Transform local discoveries into global improvements
  16. Part II: Where to start
  17. Start with the most sympathetic and innovative groups
  18. Create a value stream map to see the work
  19. Creating a dedicated transformation team
  20. Keep our improvement planning horizons short
  21. Use tools to reinforce desired behavior
  22. Problems caused by overly functional orientation
  23. Testing, operations and security as everyone's daily work
  24. Keep team sizes small
  25. Assign ops liaison to each service team
  26. Part III: The First Way: Technical principles of flow
  27. Make infrastructure easier to rebuild than to repair
  28. Enable Fast and Reliable Automated Testing
  29. Build fast and reliable automated validation test suite
  30. Test Driven Development
  31. Non-Functional requirements in our test suite
  32. Enable and practice continuous integration
  33. Adopt trunk based development
  34. Automate and enable low-risk releases
  35. Integrate code deployment into pipeline
  36. Categories of release patterns (contd.)
  37. Continuous delivery vs deployment
  38. Architect for low risk releases
  39. Use the strangler pattern to evolve the architecture
  40. Create telemetry to enable seeing and solving problems
  41. Centralized telemetry infrastructure (cont)
  42. Use telemetry to guide problem solving
  43. Find and fill telemetry gaps
  44. Analyze telemetry to better anticipate problems
  45. Non-gaussian distribution of telemetry data
  46. Enable Feedback to Safely Deploy Code
  47. Dev shares pager rotation duties with ops
  48. Have developers follow work downstream
  49. Have developers initially self-manage their service
  50. Integrate hypothesis driven development into daily work
  51. A brief history of A/B testing
  52. Review and Coordination Processes to Increase Quality
  53. Enable peer review of changes
  54. Dangers of manual testing
  55. 55. Enable and Inject Learning into Daily Work
  56. 56. Schedule blameless post-mortem meetings after accidents
  57. 57. Decrease incident tolerances to find ever-weaker failure signals
  58. 58. Institute Game Days to rehearse failures
  59. 59. Use chat rooms and bots to automate and capture organizational knowledge
  60. 60. Spread knowledge by using automated tests, documentation and communities
  61. 61. Build reusable operations user stories into development
  62. 62. Reserve Time to Create Organizational Learning and Improvement
  63. 63. Integrate Information Security, Change Management, and Compliance
  64. 64. Integrate security controls into shared source repositories and services
  65. 65. Ensure security of the application
  66. 66. Integrate information security into production telemetry
  67. 67. Protecting the Deployment Pipeline
  68. 68. What to do when changes are categorized as normal changes
  69. 69. A Call to Action - Conclusion to the DevOps Handbook